Politique de qualité

The Management of Aceites de Semillas, S.A. considers Quality, Environmental Management, and Food Safety as a priority commitment in its strategy, adapting to the context and fostering the fundamental values of its company culture.

This policy provides the framework for establishing and reviewing Quality, Environmental Management, and Food Safety objectives and defines an Organization with the following values and commitments:

  • Comply with all legal and regulatory requirements in terms of food safety and other applicable matters.
  • Ensure that the facilities where goods are stored are in proper conditions, the equipment used to handle the goods is in good condition, and the processes are well defined.
  • Promote the commitment and participation of our workers and collaborators through their training and education, as well as that of other stakeholders to our context.
  • Ensure that hazards and critical points for food safety are identified, evaluated, and controlled in such a way that they cannot affect the health risk of the manufactured goods.
  • Take the commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention, adaptation to climate change, proper segregation and waste treatment, protection of ecosystems, and responsible consumption of fossil fuels.
  • Ensure the maintenance of an effective communication system, both internally and externally, on issues related to quality, environment, and food safety.
  • Establish annual objectives for quality, environmental management, and food safety with periodic reviews of the same.
  • As the director of Aceites de Semillas, I express my commitment to the development and implementation of a System that complies with GMP+ 2020 and with the quality management standards ISO 9001 and environmental management ISO 14001, as well as with the continuous improvement of its performance, efficiency, and necessary knowledge about the safety of the manufactured products.

Director: Félix Martinez                                                                                                                           January 2024